

The CAPES Internationalization Program (Capes-PrInt) was launched in November 2017 with the aim of promoting the construction, implementation and consolidation of strategic plans for the internationalization of Brazilian universities. The projects will be developed in up to four years (2018-2021). Thirty-six institutions from Brazil, including UFPR, were selected. The PrInt of UFPR involves 40 graduate programs and 16 subprojects. Capes-PrInt can provide grants for overseas work assignments, resources for project maintenance, scholarships in Brazil and abroad (including Youth Talent), sandwich doctorate, visiting professor programs, short courses abroad and postdoctoral studies (Source: UFPR website).

News about the PrInt #Link

The Cell and Molecular Biology Graduate Program participates in 5 subprojects of CAPES-PrInT:

  • Basic and Applied Research on Cancer (thematic area: Biosciences and Health)
  • (Nano)advanced materials: preparation, characterization, modeling, study of properties and applications (thematic area: Advanced Materials)
  • Environmental Monitoring and Modeling Network – RESMA (thematic area: Biodiversity and Environment)
  • Internationalization Network in Bioprospecting, Biogeochemistry and Environmental Biotechnology (thematic area: Biodiversity and Environment)
  • Internationalization Network on Biodiversity and the Environment: threats and conservation of biodiversity – REBIMA (thematic area: Biodiversity and Environment)



1. Basis of innate immunology in infectious diseases #Link

2. Innate immunology and immunotherapy in cancer #Link

3. Innate immunology and immunotherapy: implications in infectious diseases and cancer #Link


Course: Gene Regulation by Non-coding RNAs (professors: Dra. Daniela Fiori Gradia and Dra. Jaqueline Carvalho de Oliveira, Graduate Programa in Genetics). Schedule



Programa de Pós-Graduação em
Biologia Celular e Molecular-UFPR

Where we are

Setor de Ciências Biológicas
Departamento de Biologia Celular
Caixa Postal 19031
CEP 81531-970 - Curitiba, PR - Brasil
Fone +55 41 3361-1676
Fax +55 41 3266-2042

©2024 - Universidade Federal do Paraná

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