
Cell toxicology


The Laboratory of Cell Toxicology was created in 1997 by Ciro Alberto de Oliveira Ribeiro and Marco Antonio Ferreira Randi, at a time when financial resources of Brazilian agencies for the establishment of new research lines were scarce. In the very beginning, the laboratory occupied two separate spaces, one dedicated to toxicological bioassays and the other for preparation and analysis of biological samples.

The first improvements in this original physical structure came from resources obtained through a research work performed for a North American Company by the AQUATOXI Research Group, which has been created at that time.
In the first years, the Laboratory of Cell Toxicology had the support of the Marine Toxicology Laboratory (Institut des Sciences de la Mer at Université du Québec à Rimouski – Canada), through scientific collaboration with Mr. Émilien Pelletier. This support was essential, since there were few calls for proposals of Brazilian research agencies available and the policy for science and technology has greatly favored well-established research groups at that time.
From those years until now, the laboratory has expanded in infrastructure, experience and knowledge in the fields of ecotoxicology, environmental toxicology and cellular mechanisms of response to chemical stress.
Now, The Laboratory of Cell Toxicology is a reference in the area of Cell Toxicology with several national and international collaborations. The current research staff consists of five professors with PhD degrees, and undergraduate and graduate students.



Dr. Ciro Alberto De Oliveira Ribeiro (chair)
Email: – Phone: +55 41 3361-1680

Dra. Claudia Feijó Ortolani Machado
Email: – Phone: +55 41 3361-1751

Dr. Francisco Filipak Neto
Email: – Phone: +55 41 3361-1680

Dr. Marco Antonio Ferreira Randi
Email: – Phone: +55 41 3361-1680

Dra. Maritana Mela Prodocimo
Email: – Phone: +55 41 3361-1542


Current Members

Currently the laboratory has one postdoctoral researcher, and more than 25 students (PhD, MSc and undergraduate students).

Staff and the laboratory van (Photo 2019). The Laboratory van is a vehicle with equipments and furnishings needed for biological sampling in rivers and water reservoirs.

Staff and the laboratory van (Photo 2014).

Staff and the laboratory van (Photo 2013).

Dr. Oliveira Ribeiro and some of the first students of the Cell toxicology laboratory (Photo 2002).



Current Research Themes

  • Biomonitoring and risk assessment in aquatic environments using biomarkers in fish
  • Cell responses to chemical stress and cytotoxicity
  • Effects of environmental chemicals on larvae and embryo of chicken
  • Mathematical models using fish larvae data to predict fish population effects over time
  • Development of a immunodiagnosis kit to detect the expression of fish proteins related to distinct classes of environmental contaminants





The laboratory is located in the Department of Cell Biology of the Biological Sciences Center of UFPR, located in the Polytechnic Center (Curitiba – Brazil). It is divided into seven modules:

Laboratory of Morphology: this lab is used for processing of biological samples aimed for light and electron microscopy. The lab has a tissue processing apparatus, microtome, microscopes, exhaust fume hood, drying oven and reverse osmosis system.


Laboratory of Biochemical analysis: this lab is used for biological samples preparation for biochemical biomarkers analyses, processing of cells from cell culture, preparation of buffers and other solutions, and analyses using absorbance, luminescence and fluorescence. The lab has a Varioskan LUX Multimode Microplate Reader, pHmeter, precision balances, centrifuge, magnetic stirrer, and exhaust fume hood.


Laboratory of Cell culture: this lab is used for primary culture of fish cells and mammals cells, as well as for cell toxicology studies. The lab has Class II biosafety cabinet, incubators (with and without CO2 injection), reverse osmosis system, centrifuge, refrigerator and inverted phase-contrast microscopy.


Laboratory of Embryotoxicology: this lab is used for incubation and experiments with chicken embryos, and sample processing for light and electron microscopy. The lab has a microtome, stereomicroscope, fluorescence stereo microscope, microscope, exhaust fume hood, drying oven, refrigerator and reverse osmosis system.


Laboratory of Protein Biochemistry: this laboratory is used for protein purification and analysis, and preparation of material for antibodies production. The lab has 2D gel apparatus, centrifuge, refrigerator, protein purification apparatus, AKTA go protein purification system (for chromatography), reverse osmosis system and ultra-purification water system.


Laboratory of Toxicological Bioessays: this lab is used for experiments using fish such as Danio rerio and Brazilian native fish species. The lab has water purifiers, many aquariums and one aquatics habitats system.


Warehouse and ultrafreezers room: both spaces improve the management and storage of materials and biological samples used in ours studies.

Featured Publications



Laboratory of Cell Toxicology

Federal University of Parana
Center of Biological Sciences
Department of Cell Biology

PO Box 19031
Zip Code 81531-970 – Curitiba, PR – Brasil
Phone +55 41 3361-1680
Fax +55 41 3266-2042


Programa de Pós-Graduação em
Biologia Celular e Molecular-UFPR

Where we are

Setor de Ciências Biológicas
Departamento de Biologia Celular
Caixa Postal 19031
CEP 81531-970 - Curitiba, PR - Brasil
Fone +55 41 3361-1676
Fax +55 41 3266-2042

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